Monday, September 13, 2010

Radio Actor’s Collapse Scares Nation by Gundevis Marfond

Over half the population of Nictor was listening last Tuesday when beloved radio actor Vintel Veit collapsed in the middle of recording the latest chapter of Aviary: All For The Blood of the Mizáckre. Here in our own county of Araznia, the radio station received some four hundred calls and wires when Veit broke off during a line and passed out on the floor.

The show’s producers were quick to announce that he was being taken care of, which he was, and in one of the country’s best hospitals. Veit is currently in Liffel Kinlin Memorial Hospital, and his doctors reported early this morning that he’s doing fine. The cause of his collapse seems to have been dehydration. Nictor’s favorite voice artist has been working around the clock; between his three radio shows’ demands, his agent Crom Nixfond, says he’s “hardly had any time for himself.”

Veit’s agent went on to say, “It’s been hard for Vintel lately. I am not at liberty to discuss the details of his schedule, but it’s been at least a week since he’s done more than sleep at home.”

Adds Veit’s ex-fiance and close friend, radio actress Marlina Simov, “Vint’s the most dedicated actor I’ve ever seen. The man won’t stop working until he thinks he’s fulfilled not only his own expectations, but also [those] of his colleagues and fans. But I’d say his demands [on himself] are the worst. We’ve all been telling him to slow down for a while now.”

One thing is for sure: Veit will soon be back on his feet and working. But a doctor’s voice will most likely be joining those of his friends and managers in telling him to rest more.

If any reader feels like passing their good wishes on to Veit or his family, please direct your communications to Mr. Crom Nixfond at his post stop:

737 1a

Harbrin Bouldevard, Gaton

Nictor, 89603